At A Glance

Mathematics at Carthage is very active and visible, thanks to a dedicated faculty and outstanding students. Students benefit from small classes, close relationships with their professors, and ample undergraduate research opportunities.



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Special Academic Options

Actuarial Science
3+2 Engineering Dual-Degree Programs

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Career-focused Curriculum for Mathematics majors

Carthage mathematics majors acquire methods of logical reasoning and deduction while developing problem-solving and communication skills for a wide variety of applications. Students choose the courses that best fit their future goals, whether they plan to attend graduate school, teach math, or use problem-solving and analytical skills in another career.

Carthage also offers coursework in actuarial science, data science, and two engineering dual-degree programs.


Focus on Students

The Mathematics Department at Carthage offers students an outstanding faculty committed to teaching. Faculty emphasize communication skills, so graduates succeed in many types of careers. The department also offers multiple sections of upper-level courses yearly to better serve students.

  • elena knebel '25

    “I chose Carthage because I could keep playing my sport while earning two degrees.”

  • Emma Conran '25

    “I was impressed by Carthage’s tight-knit community where students support one another and the vibrant campus life that encourages involvement in meaningful activities.”

  • Héctor Rauda

    “Carthage faculty are impressive. Developing a good relationship with faculty members has opened my eyes to new opportunities, such as internships and research programs.”

Beyond the classroom

At Carthage, mathematics majors who major in mathematics not only receive an exceptional education — they become part of a family of learners. The Carthage Mathematics Club hosts academic and social events and outreach opportunities. Students are invited to attend regional math conferences, where they can also compete in a quiz show called Face Off! Excellent students are recognized for their achievements by invitation into the Carthage chapter of Phi Mu Epsilon, a national honor society.

Opportunities for mathematics students


original research for mathematics majors

A math degree student in a classroom. Research is built into the Carthage experience through the required senior thesis and options such as the paid Summer Undergraduate Research Experience. Mathematics majors often give presentations at professional conferences or publish their work in math journals and magazines.

Research at Carthage


Mathematics degree career outlook

“Overall employment in math occupations is projected to grow 29 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations,” the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports. The BLS expects demand to be strong for statisticians, operations research analysts, and actuaries.

Careers in Mathematics


Where Carthage mathematics graduates go

Alumni include teachers at many middle and high schools and employees at companies including:

  • Accenture
  • Trustmark
  • Grainger
  • Epic Systems
  • IBM

Others enter top graduate programs nationwide.

Hear from Carthage mathematics alumni


Scholarships for Mathematics Students

Mathematics majors who intend to major in mathematics at Carthage can enter the annual Math/Science Scholarship competition. Two full-tuition scholarships are awarded each year and are renewable for four years. 

Math/Science Scholarships