Emma Faucault-Miller

Emma Faucault-Miller
Class Year
Oak Lawn, IL
Musical Theatre
Emma Faucault-Miller ’27 has been performing since the second grade, so she knew that she wanted to major in a performing art in college. She’s now pursuing a Bachelor of Music in musical theatre at Carthage on both a Merit-Based Scholarship and a Music Scholarship. Her goal is to turn performing into a full-time career, potentially starting off as a performer on a cruise line.
She’s getting great experience at Carthage. “So far at Carthage, I’ve been able to perform in a scene from ‘Cry It Out’ directed by the students of the directing class. I’ve also gotten to perform at a Brown Bag Recital for my peers and other faculty. I’m also in ‘NINE: The Musical,’” she said. “These experiences so far have been really helpful in beginning my journey to professional theatre and have made me more confident when performing in front of my peers.”
learn about musical theatre at carthage
Why Carthage?
“I chose Carthage because of the community. When I first visited, my tour guide waved at us, and just about everyone we walked by greeted us back. I really loved how close everyone seemed to be. Even now, I see how close our Firebird community is. I’ve become close with so many people within and outside of my major and I feel that if I chose a different school, I wouldn’t have that bond with those around me. Everyone I’ve met here has greeted me with open arms and has allowed me to always be my true self!”
Faculty mentors
“The faculty here at Carthage have affected my life so much, even though I’ve only been here for a short while. The faculty are always there to check in on me if they notice that something’s wrong, are there to help me when I’m struggling, and are always there for a laugh. It was really important to me to choose a college where I could have a relationship with my professors, and at Carthage, I feel like I’ve built those relationships already.”
Favorite class
“Music Theatre Techniques with Professor Matthew Hougland has been my favorite. The energy in the class is always so high, and it’s always so fun watching my peers perform in the class. Everyone is always so positive in that class and helps build each other up whenever someone feels down about their performance. I just love the positivity that is always in that class!”
Toughest class
“Music Theory has been the toughest class. Math is not my strong suit at all, and music theory is basically music math. My professors, while taking the class, have been so helpful in making sure I understand what we’re learning about. My peers are always so helpful whenever I have questions when we’re doing homework together! Even though the class is hard, I love going to it because I get to see my friends and learn with them!”
Campus involvement
“I’m part of the Carthage Treble Choir here, which has been such a fun experience getting to learn and perform music with all the wonderful people in that class. Our president, Eva Menzia ’25, is always so positive and helps everyone get pumped up for concerts and rehearsals. I’m in Lambda Kappa, our co-ed music fraternity here at Carthage. It’s been so fun getting to help the music program while also getting to have fun at chapter meetings with a bunch of other music majors! Finally, I’m in Merely Players, our improv group on campus. I love going to practices with my friends and getting to be silly on stage with them. Learning all the games and getting to be myself on stage has been so much fun. I can’t wait to perform at my first show soon!”
Golden opportunities
“So far I’ve been able to do a few master classes for musical theatre. The most recent one was with Angelique Ilo, who was in ‘A Chorus Line’ on Broadway for 11 years. The class was really fun and also it was a great opportunity to take part in! Learning the combination was a lot of fun and afterwards, we could audition for the program Angelique was a part of. Getting that opportunity was really awesome, and I loved being able to experience that so early in my college career.”
Favorite spot on campus
“My favorite spot on campus is the 7th floor study area in The Tower! I love doing homework and looking out onto the water, while being so high up, where it feels like nothing is below me. It really helps me focus!”
Favorite memory
“Many of my favorite memories have been just hanging out with some of my closest friends on campus. My friends and I tend to get dinner every day. It’s always fun getting to catch up with each other and hear about everyone’s days!”
Best study tip
“Try to pace yourself when doing homework. It’s really easy to get burnt out during college, so when you pace yourself, it helps slow that burn out.”
Best tip for making friends
“Keep your door open your first few weeks in your dorm! Everybody wants to make new friends, so if you keep your door open, it helps start a conversation with people in your year!”