Jeffrey White '27

Jeffrey White

Class Year



Patterson, Missouri


Biology, Pre-Medical Emphasis


Political Science

At Carthage, Jeffrey White ’27 is thoroughly involved with organizations on campus, such as being an out-of-state senator and the food and beverage secretary for Student Government. He is also a part of the Model United Nations, LGBTQ Student Association, and Planned Parenthood Generation Action. Additionally, Jeffrey works as a biology lab assistant, utilizing the skills he is learning as a biology major and applying them in the real world.

As a recipient of the Carthage Highest Honors Scholarship, Jeffrey thanks the College for allowing him to stay involved by relieving financial burdens. “This scholarship truly means the world to me because it allows me to continue my education at Carthage.”

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“I chose Carthage because of the close-knit community on campus.”

Jeffrey White, ’27

Why Carthage?

“Carthage’s biology and pre-medical programs are astounding. Additionally, I was convinced to apply because of the amount of financial aid they offered.”

Faculty mentors

“Carthage faculty have had an impact on my college career by creating a positive learning environment. They are extremely friendly and willing to work with me on whatever I need. These relationships allow me to have the resources to succeed, while also allowing me to feel comfortable when I need to ask for help.”

Favorite class

“My favorite class so far has been Phage Hunters II: Bioinformatics with Professor Deborah Tobiason. It has been my favorite class because it allowed me to research and annotate a bacteriophage genome that my lab partner and I found while taking the course Molecules, Cells, and Organisms. Prof. Tobiason also challenged us, which helped us grow in that class.”

Toughest class

“The toughest class I have had to take so far was General Chemistry II. This is because that was one of the first classes I actually had to learn and figure out ways to study new knowledge. For the first time since middle school, I had to learn how to effectively and efficiently retain new information.”

Golden opportunities

“I was able to take a J-Term course during my freshman year. I was also given the opportunity to present at the Celebration of Scholars during my freshman year. In addition, I went to a few conferences — one was held virtually through the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the other was the IDEAL conference, which gave me ways to improve our Engagement and Inclusion Center, allowed me to gain leadership experience, and taught me how to better fight for the diverse communities on campus.”

Internships or campus employment

“I work as a biology lab assistant. It has been such a fun experience as I work behind the scenes in a laboratory setting. I also work as an in-class lab assistant for a few biology professors, giving me the experience I will need post-graduation.”

Career goal

“I want to become a general physician, open my own clinic, and practice in family medicine.”

Favorite spot on campus

“My favorite spot on campus is the Engagement and Inclusion Center. It is a nice place for me to get my homework done, and it is also a lot of fun. I try my best to hang out there when I can.”

Favorite memory

“My favorite memories are playing Mario Kart and Mario Party in the lounge with friends, going to Chicago for Model United Nations and representing China in the World Health Assembly, and watching the presidential race live with the Political Science Department.”

Best study tip

“My best advice is to not cram for exams, but write things down and try to teach someone what you learned. Whether it be a relative, a friend, or someone who needs help understanding the concept in class, try and see if you can adequately teach it. Learning that trick helped me realize that I didn’t have to study as hard for the finals.”